Update on the New York State AOH Initiative to save the USS The Sullivans


As you are aware, the historic USS. The Sullivans recently succumbed to years of official neglect despite years of heroic efforts by volunteers; God bless them.  As Hibernians, we should be angered that a designated US historic landmark, a ship that preserves the story of five Irish American Brothers who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, the largest loss sustained by any single American family in WW II and honors the crews of a ship that earned 11 battle stars, has been allowed to reach this state.  Thankfully, it appears that the ship seems to have been stabilized and refloated, but this is merely a quick fix to prevent further damage; extensive and costly repairs are needed to ensure that The Sullivans continues to tell the story of Irish American service to our nation to future generations. 

As I hope you are also aware, the NY AOH has started a fund to aid the repair and preservation of The Sullivans.  While many brothers have been generous, it is clear that the vast majority of NY Hibernians have not contributed.  This is disturbing; if the story of The Sullivans does not move us, what does?  One of the purposes of this organization is to “To foster the ideas and perpetuate the history and traditions of the Irish people” if saving The Sullivans does not meet that purpose, what does?

More important than the money, it is imperative to demonstrate that we, as Irish Americans and Hibernians, send a clear message that we care about our heritage and history.  It is not overdramatic to say that our story and heritage are threatened. The USS Barry, named after the Irish Immigrant father of the Navy which was also a museum ship, was recently scrapped to make way for a new Frederick Douglas Bridge in Washington.  The Great Hunger Museum in Connecticut has recently been closed.  A proposal to erect a new memorial in New York City would have completely obscured the Irish Hunger Memorial.   The New York City’s tenement museum has announced it is curtailing its depiction of Irish immigrants.  

All this is happening as we as an Order are facing declining membership.  Maybe it is time for us to heed the words of the great Irish statesman Edmund Burke “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.”

Memorial Day will soon be upon us, the day we honor those who gave up all of their tomorrows so that we could have today.  What a strong message we could send if we could honor the Sullivan brothers and all those who made the supreme sacrifice for our country if every NY Hibernian donated the cost of a beer, a pack of hotdogs or the tank of gas that we will use to mark the holiday.  It would make a much louder statement as to who we are and what are our  values than a T-Shirt with a flag on it.

I challenge all NY Hibernians to make a contribution to the Save The Sullivans effort by Memorial Day.  You can make your donation at https://www.nyaoh.com/uss-the-sullivans

Neil F. Cosgrove


A message from AOH NY State President John Manning


Statement from NY AOH on leaked Supreme Court opinion