Statement from NY AOH on leaked Supreme Court opinion

The New York State, Ancient Order of Hibernians condemns the breach of confidentiality regarding the leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson case now before the Court and still pending.

 As a nationwide Catholic organization, we believe that life is a gift from God and all human life is sacred and should be protected from conception to natural death.

We also condemn the violence and vandalism at churches and other buildings in the name of peaceful protest, and the harassment of the Supreme Court Justices at their homes or at work as they carry out their sworn duties.

 The NYS AOH urges all of is members, families and friends to pray for a peaceful resolution of this particular issue, as well as other Pro-Life legislation.

 NYS AOH Pro Life Chairman Ed Wallace


Update on the New York State AOH Initiative to save the USS The Sullivans


For Immediate Release 05/07/22Threats against the Catholic Church this Mother’s Day