Lenten Reflection March 28- April 2

DAY 27: Monday, March 28th, 2022

MEDITATE: Romans 10:6-7 

PRAY: Jesus, help me to not fear death, for I know that you have gone ahead and made a way for me into eternal life. I choose today to accept again your great gift of life eternal in heaven with you, and pray that you would give me confidence for every step of my journey until then. 

REFLECT: What does the death and resurrection of Jesus mean for your own eternity? 

DAY 28: Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

MEDITATE: Micah 7:8 

PRAY: Lord, in the dark seasons of my life, shine your light. When I am doubting, remind me of who you are. When I am weary, bring me peace. When I am restless, may I find my rest in you. You are the victory-- hallelujah! 

REFLECT: How have you seen Christ meet you in your dark days? 

DAY 29: Wednesday, March 30th, 2022

MEDITATE: Acts 4:33 

PRAY: Jesus, I don’t want to forget about Easter once the calendar changes. Help me to keep the cross in mind daily -- it changes everything and I never want to forget the life-changing and beautiful impact of salvation in my life and in our world. 

REFLECT: Brainstorm ways you can keep celebrating the spirit of Easter after Resurrection Sunday. 

DAY 30: Thursday, March 31st, 2022

MEDITATE: PRAY: Jesus, I believe you are the one true Savior. I believe you conquered death to bring us into eternal life with you. In the times when I am tempted to doubt that you truly died and rose again, remind me of your truth. 

REFLECT: What confirms for you that Christ is the Risen Lord? 

DAY 31: Friday, April 1st, 2022

MEDITATE: John 20:11-18 

PRAY: Jesus, your resurrection power is more mighty than we could ever imagine. I am so thankful that resurrection changes everything about the world around me-- you are with us now and forevermore. 

REFLECT: How does the resurrection change your outlook on your circumstances?  

DAY 32: Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 

MEDITATE: John 13 

PRAY: Lord, I want to follow you. I want to do what you did, love like you loved. Help me to see opportunities to love the people around me well, to serve other, and to be gracious unto them. 

REFLECT: How do others around you know that you are a follower of Christ?


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