Lenten Reflections Week 4

DAY 20: Monday, March 21st, 2022 

MEDITATE: John 20:17 

PRAY: Lord, help me to have a world view that is big enough to include all that the resurrection means, for me, for the church, and for mankind everywhere, for all time. Thank you that the resurrection is not just a personal reality, but a cosmic reality. 

REFLECT: How do you see the resurrection playing our in your life and on a broader scale? 

DAY 21: Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 

MEDITATE: Acts 10:2 

PRAY: Lord, I want to celebrate this season with my whole family. Show me ways we can draw near to you together this year in worship and adoration, as well as celebration and joy. 

REFLECT: How can we celebrate this season as a family? How can I engage my family members in new ways this year? 

DAY 22: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022

MEDITATE: Romans 5:8 

PRAY: Redeemer, Lamb of God, he is worthy. Thank you for the Cross, Lord. 

REFLECT: How does the cross affect your life, your hurt, your sin, your debt?  

DAY 23: Thursday, March 24th, 2022 

MEDITATE: John 3:16 

PRAY: Lord, you are true to your word. You have always been faithful and you will continue to be faithful. Thank you for fulfilling every promise you made. You are trustworthy and good. 

REFLECT: What does it mean for us today that these prophecies were fulfilled by Christ?


Lenten Reflection March 28- April 2


ST. Joseph’s Day Reflection