Lenten Reflection for the 5th week

DAY 34: Monday, April 4th, 2022

MEDITATE: Zechariah 9:9 

PRAY: Lord, thank you for the deeper meaning of this day. Thank you that bunnies and colorful eggs are not all that this Easter is about-- thank you that it’s all about so much more. Help us to shift our eyes from what the world says to celebrate, to what you have done for us. 

REFLECT: How have you made Easter about worldly things? How can you turn your focus back to Christ? 

DAY 35: Tuesday, April 5th, 2022

MEDITATE: 1 Corinthians 11:24 

PRAY: Jesus, thank you for going on a rescue mission to save me. Thank you for bring me back to life so sin and death are not the end of my story. In this season, I’m reminded of my need for you-- thank you, Jesus. 

REFLECT: How can you carve out time and space for remembrance, repentance, and resurrection in this season? 

DAY 36: Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

MEDITATE: Luke 22-24 

PRAY: Father, help me see the Easter story through fresh eyes. Reveal yourself to me in new ways. Show me how I can be a bold, courageous, faithful disciple who loves and serves you well. In Jesus’ name I ask, Amen. 

REFLECT: Take time to read the Easter story with an eye for the marginalized and obscure.  

DAY 37: Thursday, April 7th, 2022

MEDITATE: 1 Peter 5:7 

PRAY: Lord, sometimes I admit I feel far from you and disconnected from your heart. In this season, remind me of what is true. Speak louder than the lies. I want to celebrate that you are risen, powerful, and in control of all things. 

REFLECT: Ask a friend to pray for you and with you in this season. 

DAY 38: Friday, April 8th, 2022 

MEDITATE: Matthew 26:17-30 

PRAY: Jesus, we, like your disciples, have denied and betrayed you. We have doubted you and deserted you. We have failed to live perfectly like you showed us, yet you love us anyway. Thank you, Jesus. We are undeserving of your grace and your sacrifice. 

REFLECT: How has the Lord transformed you? 

DAY 39: Saturday, April 9th, 2022 

MEDITATE: Mark 14-16 

PRAY: Lord Jesus, you are the only one who is truly holy. As this Holy Week begins, still our hearts and our minds and allow us to enter into your presence. We want to wholly reflect on you this week as we follow your journey to the cross. 

REFLECT: Prayerfully think on the events described in this passage and their deep and life-changing meaning for each of us.


Hibernians Achieve Eagle Scout Status


Lenten Reflection March 28- April 2