Honoring Our Veterans: Edward McMahonDivision 2 Babylon Suffolk County NY

" I joined the Army National Guard in 2017 while a student in High School up until 2021. This changed my life in great ways and was a challenge I was up for. I was assigned to the Bravo Battery of the 1st Battalion 258th Field Artillery Regiment as a 13 Bravo (Cannon Crewmember). The military was a great experience I will not forget as well as the lifelong friends I made who I still talk with even from 2017 who live in other states from basic. There are always ups and downs in life but I am grateful to say this was an experience I would never have changed."


Honoring Our Veterans: John FaustDivision 2 Babylon Suffolk County NY


Honoring Our Veterans: George B. Sheehan Sr.