State Organizer September Report
I hope all that could attend the wonderful NYS Convention in Syracuse are coming back to their divisions reenergized as we continue our work as Hibernians post pandemic. As you have probably heard from AOH National and State leadership over the years, recruitment and retention is everybody’s job in our Order. Please start to consider Irish cultural festivals and parish picnics this fall for the purposes of recruitment. The State Board has pop up recruitment tents available to assist with such recruitment opportunities. The National AOH website under the Organizers Resources page (found on the “About the AOH” tab) has customizable posters and pamphlets to help promote the activities of your division and this link allows anybody with a smart phone to apply for membership from anywhere.
As State Organizer, I plan on working with our webmaster team and other members of the State
Board to expand our use of technology and social media presence for the purposes of recruiting new membership.If you have any questions, need assistance or are interested in reserving a recruitment tent please email me.
I would like to thank Mike Tobin (Monroe County), Bill Gorham (Suffolk County) and Joe McDonald (Nassau County) for agreeing to be of the State Organizing Committee.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Tim Weklar
NYS Organizer