Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent - December 12, 2021

Today, we celebrate the third Sunday of Advent which is called Rejoice Sunday (Gaudete Sunday)! You might have noticed that the priests in our parishes have been wearing purple for the past two weeks of Advent, this Sunday, they will wear Pink!  Many people will ask the purpose of rejoicing in the middle of Advent. We rejoice because God wants to include each of us in his promise of unity in the world.  

In this Sunday’s Gospel, the crowd asked John the Baptist, “Then what are we supposed to do?” We are invited to turn away from the individual as well as social sin and focus our entire lives on God’s love for us and all of Creation. God so loved the world that he sent His son into the world to give us new hope, new joy, and the promise of God giving us a second chance.  

The theme of the season of Advent is sometimes described as a period of waiting for the birth of Jesus. As we light the third candle on our Advent wreath, let us prepare for the Messiah through acts of repentance.  Advent is a time of waiting, it is not a time to sit and wait while doing nothing. It is a busy time of preparation. Are we making room for Christ to be born in our lives? Our challenge is to not make this season a busy shopping time, but rather a time of joyful anticipation and making ready the way for God who comes to dwell among us and changes our lives with the gift of salvation.

Christ was born for this! All people together shall see the glory of God revealed in our midst telling us to sing with all our skills, “Glory, Glory, Glory to the newborn King!”




The Feast of the Immaculate Conception