New Year Message From The Desk of State President John Manning

Dear Brothers,

With another year passing, it’s a good time to reflect on our collective successes. In the past six months, I have seen first-hand the strong foundation of active Hibernians we have at the state, county and division levels. I applaud you for everything you have accomplished under the uncertainty of COVID and its restrictions.

However, I’m reminded of President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address quote: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country” and how we need to challenge ourselves to be more active and increase our contributions to our communities and our Order.

We can start by remembering that Hibernians seek to serve and not to be served. As much as we all enjoy our ceremonies, parties and parades, it’s the duty of all Hibernians to actively carry out our motto of FRIENDSHIP, UNITY and CHRISTIAN CHARITY.

That’s why I’m encouraging every Hibernian to join me in setting a goal in 2022 to increase new member recruitment, the retention of existing members and community outreach activities that directly support our order and mission:

Have an idea to support one of these priorities? Bring it to your division and / or county leadership and follow through on it. And your NY State Board is always here to support you however we can. Creativity, collaboration and cooperation are the keys to making a difference and it starts with making an effort.

As we enter into 2022, I thank you for all that you do to demonstrate our motto and wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year. As always, please join me in prayer for our departed Hibernian Brothers and Sisters, members of our military, first responders and others who can’t be home this year.

In Our Motto,

John J. Manning

President, AOH NY State 




Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent- December 19, 2021