Lenten Reflections Week 3

DAY 13: Monday, March 14, 2022 

MEDITATE: Psalm 42:1 

PRAY: God, shine a light on the areas of my life where I have selfish motives that draw my attention away from you. Strengthen me as I fast from those things and instead prioritize you. 

REFLECT: Do you need a fresh infusion of grace? Do you want to realize more of God’s Spirit? Do you want to feel more joy? 

DAY 14: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 

MEDITATE: Colossians 3:1-5a 

PRAY: Lord, help me to fight against my sin with your strength. I know that I have already been accepted in Christ, and that one day I will be fully conformed to your glorious image once and for all. Thank you that real change is possible today in you.  

REFLECT: In what areas of my life am I most tempted to sin? How can I actively fight against those temptations? 

DAY 15: Wednesday, March 16, 2022

MEDITATE: 2 Corinthians 5:17 

PRAY: Lord, do your resurrection work in me. Transform my heart and my life into one that gives you glory and praise in every way. Pull me deeper and bring me closer to your heart. 

REFLECT: Why is it important for you to observe Lent rather than just go straight to celebrating Easter? 

DAY 16: Thursday, March 17, 2022

MEDITATE: Mark 7:7-9 

PRAY: Lord, open my eyes to new ways that I can remove distractions from my life in order to see and know you better. Help me to be creative in the choices I make, as I seek to discover more of who you are without anything in the way. 

REFLECT: What unusual ways could you consider to shake things up in your faith? 

DAY 17: Friday, March 18, 2022

MEDITATE: Matthew 6:16 

PRAY: Lord, remind me of my frailty and continual need for grace. I rejoice that my appetite for sin has been forgiven and will one day be erased! I want to focus on you through all fasting in this season and beyond. 

REFLECT: How can you give God glory in this season, whether you eat or fast? 

DAY 18: Saturday, March 19, 2022

MEDITATE: Colossians 1:27 

PRAY: Lord, I pray that focusing on contentment with who you designed me to be for forty days would help me to relish in the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection more. He died so that I could have a full an abundant life, not so that I could hide and cower. I pray that I realize more than I do now that Jesus is in the Father, I am in Christ, and Christ is in me. 

REFLECT: How are you finding contentment in Christ in this season?


St. Patrick’s Day Reflection


A Message From State President John Manning