From the desk of NYS AOH President John Manning

On behalf of the AOH National Board, We are proud to announce the kick off of the Ancient Order of Hibernians 2021-2022 Freedom for All Ireland Christmas Appeal. The Christmas Appeal has become a major initiative for Our Order. Last year was a record year, with over $100,000 being raised and given to groups in the North of Ireland who support their communities while supporting the goal of free and united 32 county Ireland, as well as legacy issues. Some of these groups include: The Holy Cross Ardoyne trust, The Ballymurphy Massacre Campaign, Green Cross and the St.Patrick's Centre.

Below are links to recent Christmas Appeal donation events and to last years donations

Also attached is the 2021-2022 Christmas appeal Information and forms packets. The Divisions and County Boards have always been leading fundraisers for the Christmas Appeal. Last year, donations from New York accounted for 25% of all funds raised Nationally.Please have your Division or County consider hosting a fundraising event or direct donation to this worthy cause. NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL.


Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,


Tim McSweeney

AOH National Director


John Manning

AOH NYS President


Honoring Our Veterans: Walter Scally Division 4 Huntington


Honoring Our Veterans: Timothy Rossiter Division 4 Huntington