Day 6-11 Lenten Reflection

DAY 6: Monday, March 7, 2022

MEDITATE: Mark 1:12-13 

PRAY: Jesus, focus my heart and my mind on what you endured for me. Everything you did, you did for the salvation of all humankind-- I am eternally grateful. I am in awe of you, Lord. Thank you for the cross. 

REFLECT: How can I be more cognizant of the cross today? 

DAY 7: Tuesday, March 8, 2022

MEDITATE: Matthew 6:1 

PRAY: Lord, may I be gracious toward all who choose to observe Lent, and all those who don’t. May I be cautious in how I share about my Lenten practices this month, avoiding hypocrisy and choosing love for me neighbors above all else. 

REFLECT: What am I sharing this thought or desire in this season of Lent? 

DAY 8: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 

MEDITATE: Philippians 3:10-11 

PRAY: Lord, in these next 40 days, help me to focus on you above all else. Show me how I can be your hands and feet in my community-- may I live out my faith in this season in new ways that give you glory. 

REFLECT: What can I do this Lenten season to focus on Christ? 

DAY 9: Thursday, March 10, 2022 

MEDITATE: Luke 13:3 

PRAY: God, thank you for not expecting perfection from me. You know I make mistakes, and that’s why you sent Jesus to save me from all of my sins. Here I am, Lord, trying again, despite all the times I have fallen short. Thank you for your grace. 

REFLECT: When and why have I been tempted to “give up” on Lent? How can I try again? 

DAY 10: Friday, March 11, 2022

MEDITATE: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 

PRAY: I’m sorry Jesus. I let you down. It was the least I could do to give up a menial thing like sweet treats and I failed. But, today I feel a renewed sense of grace that’s been missing from my heart for a while. Thank you, Lord... 

REFLECT: How can I renew my commitment today to daily approach the throne of grace and humbly receive forgiveness, awareness, assurance, and words of encouragement and direction? 

DAY 11: Saturday, March 12, 2022

MEDITATE: Psalm 35:13 

PRAY: Lord, as I fast over these few weeks, may it be less about selfish gain and more about selfless worship. Help me to shift my focus away from myself and more toward you, Jesus. 

REFLECT: What are you choosing to fast from? How is fasting helping you focus on Jesus?


A Message From State President John Manning


Letter to the Board