DAY 1-4: Lenten reflection

DAY 1: ASH WEDNESDAY: Wednesday, March 2, 2022

MEDITATE: 1 Peter 5:6 

PRAY: Lord, I am not my own. I am a sinner and I have fallen short of your glory, yet you became a man to die on a cross in my place. Thank you for loving me that much, Jesus! In this season, may I be crucified with Christ so I can truly live. 

REFLECT: How am I conforming to culture? What would it look like to follow the way of Jesus instead? 

DAY 2: Thursday, March 3, 2022

MEDITATE: Psalm 118:25-26 

PRAY: Lord, help me to dive into this season of Lent with intentionality and purpose. I want to know you better, love you more fully, and accept your grace more readily. Draw me closer to you, day by day. 

REFLECT: What has been the most meaningful part of this Lenten season for you thus far? What will you remember?

DAY 3: Friday, March 4, 2022

MEDITATE: 1 Samuel 15:22 

PRAY: Lord, I pray that I wouldn’t make Lent about myself this year, but instead about your great love for me through your sacrifice of Jesus. May I focus on your love above all else-- thank you, Jesus, for giving your life for mine. 

REFLECT: Where am I focusing my attention this Lenten season? 

DAY 4: Saturday, March 5, 2022

MEDITATE: Matthew 4:1-2 

PRAY: Jesus, help me to set aside time for worship and reflection in this season of Lent. Help me draw nearer to you and understand you more deeply. May I receive the overwhelming graces you have to offer me, today and everyday. 

REFLECT: How can I honor the sacrifice of Jesus through my life?


Letter to the Board
