Chaplain Henry Reid’s September Report
There are those, even in our Order, who are quick to criticize the Church for not being directly in line with their politics, while at the same time are critical about fundamental beliefs held by the Church. Our Faith is not a weapon to beat our political opponents with, nor is it something to be warped to fit your own political agenda, there are fundamental teachings which we are all sworn to uphold. There are also resources for each of us to learn more about the Faith, and what it is that we believe as Catholics, which is fundamental to being Hibernians.
In other parts of this newsletter, there are announcements for Catholic Action, Right to Life, and Political Education, so there is no need for me to reiterate that information here. However, for those who are jumping on announcements of what the Pope said or didn’t, and what the Church teaches, before you listen to people with their own agendas, here are some links with real information from the Church:
The Vatican Website:
Osservatore Romano (Vatican Newspaper):
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Aleteia (a reputable online Catholic magazine):
Hopefully the Hibernian Catechism will be reinstated on the state website soon, but there is also the Catechism of the Catholic Church available at:
Please remember to be critical of what other media sources report as coming from the Church, and to behave in a manner respectful of the Church’s teachings, especially about the fundamental dignity of human beings.
Fr. Henry