A Message from state Treasurer Kevin O’Reilly
Thank You to all the Hibernian Brothers that attended the NY State AOH Convention in Syracuse in July. The Syracuse Convention Committee did a great job putting on a successful Convention. I am looking forward to working with President John Manning, Vice President Tom O’Donnell and Secretary Tom Beirne in this new term of the State Board.
I have been directly involved with the State Board these past four years having just finished my term as Director District 1 and prior to that as an appointed Deputy Finance. On the local level I am a Past President of Albany County Board and Albany Division 5. Irish related outside of the AOH, I am the current President of the Capital District Irish American Association Inc. in Albany.
Participating in our AOH events is how we get to know each other and share information and that is good for the Order in every way and gets the members invested. We cannot make every event but we should make what we can. COVID is still out there so it is definitely a factor impacting all of our events. Participation is desired but our Health and Safety must come first so be safe and keep your Brother’s safe too.
The Fall State Board meeting will be our next opportunity to gather and share our experiences and then head into the annual installation season. If I can be of assistance on any of your financial concerns, I am here to listen and help you get answers to your questions.