Hunger Strike Memorial - Bogside, Derry
Please support the FFAI 50/50 Raffle
Brother Ken Ferguson is chairing the committee for the NYS FFAI Pot of Gold Raffle - 50% of the pot will be awarded to the winner and the remaining 50% will be donated to the NYS FFAI initiative. Tickets are $100 - please contact Ken @ to get them. The winner will be drawn at the NYS FFAI Annual Fundraiser in November – see below for information.
Legacy issues
Brother Martin Galvin (National FFAI Chair) has circulated several interesting articles showing steady wider condemnation of the British government’s strategy to provide amnesty through a proposed statute of limitations for crimes committed against civilians during British occupation of Northern Ireland.
President Danny O’Connell has issued a Call to Action – all members should reach out to their Congressional Representatives requesting they sign on to the letter to the British Ambassador penned by Congressman Boyle & Fitzpatrick voicing Congress’s concern over the British governments proposals to modify Stormont House Agreement legacy laws and institute a ban on legacy inquests and prosecution of former soldiers who served in Northern Ireland during the conflict.
I have sponsored a memorializing resolution in the Rockland County Legislature outlining the legacy issues and calling on US elected representatives to hold the British government to their previous commitments before the US offers the UK any preferential trade deals. I will circulate it when it comes out of committee so it can be used as a template for other Local, County and State Resolutions to focus more attention on this and create more support among US elected officials.
Links to the Articles
“A former aide (Michael Posner) to President Obama has warned that the British government’s proposed statute of limitations on Troubles’ prosecutions could undermine US-UK relations.”
“UN slams Troubles amnesty proposals”
NYS AOH FFAI Annual Fund Raiser
Save the Date! Thursday November 18th @ Stout on 33rd St, New York City. More details to follow.
Hunger Striker Pat Sheehan – his words 40 years later
I recently worked on a committee with Irish Northern Aide to hold a commemoration ceremony for the Hunger Strikers on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of their sacrifice. The event was held on August 21st at the Rockland Gaelic Athletic Association’s grounds. I asked Friends of Sinn Fein Representative for North America Ciaran Quinn to arrange for Hunger Striker Pat Sheehan to make a special guest appearance to speak about the Hunger Strike. However, due to ongoing travel restrictions it was not possible to do in person. Instead, they put together a terrific 5 minute video that is a great summary of the backdrop and determination that lead to the Hunger Strike.
I thought I would share the video with you and ask you to remember the Hunger Strikers tremendous sacrifice for Irish freedom 40 years ago.