Buy Irish September Report



It was great seeing all of you again at our State Convention in Syracuse. Congratulations to all State Board Officers, elected and appointed. I look forward to working with you all and helping you with your respective projects as best I can. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our worthy President John Manning for appointing me to this position. I would also like to thank Brother Brian Clancy for the work that he has done over the last several years to enact and promote the Buy Irish initiative.

I will do my best to further progress this program and help it in reaching its fullest potential. I have some ideas of how my vision of reimagining what Buy Irish can become, by expanding how we see and think of it. As work on this project progresses, I will be reaching out to some of you for your help and advice. If anyone has or knows of any Irish businesses, or business owners that we can work with and promote, please let me know. I will have a more detailed report for our fall State Board meeting.

Yours in our Motto,

Clive Cronin

NYS Buy Irish Chairman

C: 646-491-2665
